Nina Bailer

During my nutritional science studies, I became increasingly interested in organic farming and the processing of organic food. I also wanted to get involved in this sector professionally and, after graduating, I first worked for an organic food manufacturer and then, and still today, for an inspection body that certifies organic companies. In my view, organic farming is the necessary foundation, but it is not enough on its own. When it comes to ecology, it is not just the cultivation, but the entire life cycle of a product that is important and decisive.

For some time now, I have been concerned with the question of how social and ecological responsibility could be implemented in business life. When I got to know Sophie von Lilienfeld-Toal, I realized that she had developed the CSE standard (Certified Sustainable Economics), a standard that covers precisely this social and ecological responsibility – a sustainability standard for companies. In the current climate, I believe it is essential that all companies make their contribution to sustainability. I am committed to achieving this goal in the GfaW. After all, the fact that our planet exists, with the ideal conditions that humans need to live, is nothing short of a miracle. And this wonderful earth must be preserved.