Sustainability certification updated to ISO standard 14001
The current draft revision of the EC Eco-Regulation includes the inclusion of certification in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard – better known as the environmental standard. Even if the changes have not yet been decided, it is very likely that a corresponding obligation will be included in the regulation.
The sustainability certification CSE (Certified Sustainable Economics) has therefore already been revised so that it fully integrates the environmental standard. Alongside EMAS, CSE is thus establishing itself as a certification that goes far beyond the ISO 14001 standard in terms of its sustainability requirements. The seal also takes into account the two other pillars of sustainability: social and economic. It is analogous, harmonizing and complementary to existing instruments for the presentation of sustainability performance such as GRI, the German Sustainability Code, SA8000 and Fair Trade.
In its comprehensive claim, CSE is therefore suitable for the entire eco-industry.