An important building block for reducing corporate emissions is the complete recording of a corporate carbon footprint.
The Society for Applied Business Ethics (GfaW) and the sustainability consultancy sustaineration are jointly presenting a tool with which companies can determine their CO2 footprint independently, autonomously and with confidence. Together, we have developed an Excel-based accounting tool that enables cost-effective accounting.
Independent preparation of the CO2 balance sheet
This tool offers both the option of independently creating a carbon footprint as well as information and notes on the various parameters that are particularly relevant for the carbon footprint. All assessment bases (emission factors) are presented transparently. Users not only enter their data, but also learn how diverse individual company processes are in terms of CO2 assessment.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol as a basis
The tool is based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Companies can create carbon footprints according to Scopes 1, 2 and 3. They define the scope of their carbon footprint themselves and receive an overview of the data that needs to be collected and entered. Once all the data has been entered, the carbon footprint is displayed and visualized in various illustrations that facilitate both internal and external communication.
Support in the development of climate strategies
The climate assessment tool supports companies in developing effective climate strategies. In addition to the data mask for recording the relevant climate data, users receive graphical evaluations and templates for deriving targeted climate protection measures.

Transparent calculation methods and emission factors
In addition, the transparent calculation method makes all emission factors visible. Based on these results, companies can make a well-founded assessment of how they want to improve their climate impact. The emission factors are the coefficients used to evaluate the climate impact of the company’s processes, for example 1 kWh of electricity corresponds to x kg of CO2. These clear and comprehensible comparisons make it easier for companies to opt for more climate-friendly alternatives, even beyond the choice of electricity.
Compensation of CO2 emissions through projects
In addition to recording the CO2 footprint and deriving a climate strategy to improve the company’s climate impact, the tool also serves as a basis for offsetting the company’s CO2 emissions. Through various compensation projects, such as reforestation or the expansion of renewable energies, the CO2 footprint can be offset and the company can achieve climate neutrality.
Acquisition and updating of the tool
The acquisition costs amount to EUR 600 net. The up-to-dateness of the emission factors is checked annually. If this results in changes, updating the tool costs EUR 100 net.
Terms of use of the accounting tool
Our accounting tool was designed for internal company calculations and is only sold to companies that wish to use it to calculate their own balance sheet. Companies wishing to prepare a balance sheet for third parties should use other calculation options.
Recording of the company’s CO2 emissions, based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
- Scope 1, 2 and 3
- Transparent emission factors
- Graphical representation of emissions
- Deriving a climate strategy
- Addresses for compensation options
600 All prices are exclusive of VAT
Plus: EUR 100 for updating the emission factors

Climate assessment tool (light)
You can obtain our climate balancing tool (light) version free of charge for test purposes.
Acquire climate assessment tool
If you would like to purchase the tool or have any questions, please contact us!