2nd GfaW Sustainability Day “Sustainable resolutions” with the Market of Opportunities

Do you usually quickly discard good New Year’s resolutions? Do you lack the time or motivation to put your resolutions into practice?

Then we cordially invite you to our 2nd GfaW Sustainability Day with the Market of Opportunities. Because the new year offers us new opportunities: with a concrete vision, it is possible to preserve what is familiar and proven and to face change with courage.

To take the step towards a sustainable future, we would like to encourage you to start 2022 with realistic sustainable resolutions. In order to successfully implement these resolutions, we let four companies have their say to show how sustainability can be integrated into daily practice.

The GfaW Sustainability Day will take place online and free of charge on 25.01.2022 – 09:00 to 13:00.

Join us and make 2022 a sustainable year!

Program of the Sustainability Day*:

08:50 Log in, introduction zoom

09:00 Welcome by Sophie v. Lilienfeld-Toal, Managing Director of GfaW

09:15 Video message (nn)

09:20 Lecture – sustainable resolutions -Yvonne Zwick (requested)

10:00 Break

10:15 Market of opportunities

Short keynote speeches from the stations (20/25 minutes each)

  1. Station: SDGs, Niels Christiansen, owner and GF sustaineration
  2. Station: Experiences with CSE certification – Interview with entrepreneur Ms. Leloarer from Annemarie Börlind kosmetische erzeugnisse GmbH
  3. Station: True Cost Accounting, soil and more (requested)
  4. Station: still open

12:00 Intensification of the topics in the group rooms for 20 minutes each.

12.30 Closing round and report from the stations

13:00 End

*Subject to alterations

Registration viacontact form ( please state “N-Tag” in the subject line) https://gfaw.eu/kontakt/

further contributions

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